


/// <函数:Encode>
/// 作用:将字符串内容转化为16进制数据编码,其逆过程是Decode
/// 参数说明:
/// strEncode 需要转化的原始字符串
/// 转换的过程是直接把字符转换成Unicode字符,比如数字"3"-->0033,汉字"我"-->U+6211
/// 函数decode的过程是encode的逆过程.

public static string Encode(string strEncode)
string strReturn = "";// 存储转换后的编码
foreach (short shortx in strEncode.ToCharArray())
strReturn += shortx.ToString("X4");
return strReturn;
/// <函数:Decode>

public static string Decode(string strDecode)
string sResult = "";
for (int i = 0; i < strDecode.Length / 4; i++)
sResult += (char)short.Parse(strDecode.Substring(i * 4, 4), global::System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber);
return sResult;
'strSource 需要转化的原始字符串
Public Function Encode(strEncode As String) As String
Dim i As Long
Dim chrTmp$
Dim ByteLower$, ByteUpper$
Dim strReturn$ '存储转换后的编码

For i = 1 To Len(strEncode)
chrTmp$ = Mid(strEncode, i, 1)
ByteLower$ = Hex$(AscB(MidB$(chrTmp$, 1, 1)))
If Len(ByteLower$) = 1 Then ByteLower$ = "0" & ByteLower$
ByteUpper$ = Hex$(AscB(MidB$(chrTmp$, 2, 1)))
If Len(ByteUpper$) = 1 Then ByteUpper$ = "0" & ByteUpper$
strReturn$ = strReturn$ & ByteUpper$ & ByteLower$

Encode = strReturn$
End Function

Public Function Decode(strDecode As String) As String
Dim i As Long
Dim strCode$ '存储转换后的编码
Dim chrTmp$

On Error GoTo ErrProc

If Len(strDecode) Mod 4 <> 0 Then GoTo ErrProc
For i = 1 To Len(strDecode) Step 4
strCode = Mid$(strDecode, i, 4)
chrTmp$ = ChrW("&H" & strCode)
If chrTmp$ = "?" Then If strCode <> "003F" Then GoTo ErrProc
Decode = Decode & chrTmp$

Exit Function
Decode = strDecode
DealwithEvents "不能解析的消息:" & strDecode
End Function