

SaveValues 程序



  <Street>1234 Programmer Place</Street>





   在创建所有新的节点后,SaveValues调用DOMDocument's save方法存储新的xml文件。


   List1的最后一部分是CreateNode子程序,CreateNode 为父节点创建一个新节点并同时给这个节点赋值。在这个子程序中首先引用一个DOMDocument对象,然后使用该对象的createElement方法创建一个新的节点。



Option Explicit

Private m_AppPath As String

Private Sub Form_Load()
' Get the application's startup path.
m_AppPath = App.Path
If Right$(m_AppPath, 1) <> "\" Then m_AppPath = m_AppPath & "\"

' Load the values.
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer)
' Save the current values.
End Sub

' Load saved values from XML.
Private Sub LoadValues()
Dim xml_document As DOMDocument
Dim values_node As IXMLDOMNode

' Load the document.
Set xml_document = New DOMDocument
xml_document.Load m_AppPath & "Values.xml"

' If the file doesn't exist, then
' xml_document.documentElement is Nothing.
If xml_document.documentElement Is Nothing Then
' The file doesn't exist. Do nothing.
Exit Sub
End If

' Find the Values section.
Set values_node = xml_document.selectSingleNode("Values")

' Read the saved values.
txtFirstName.Text = GetNodeValue(values_node, "FirstName", "???")
txtLastName.Text = GetNodeValue(values_node, "LastName", "???")
txtStreet.Text = GetNodeValue(values_node, "Street", "???")
txtCity.Text = GetNodeValue(values_node, "City", "???")
txtState.Text = GetNodeValue(values_node, "State", "???")
txtZip.Text = GetNodeValue(values_node, "Zip", "???")
End Sub

' Return the node's value.
Private Function GetNodeValue(ByVal start_at_node As IXMLDOMNode, _
ByVal node_name As String, _
Optional ByVal default_value As String = "") As String
Dim value_node As IXMLDOMNode

Set value_node = start_at_node.selectSingleNode(".//" & node_name)
If value_node Is Nothing Then
GetNodeValue = default_value
GetNodeValue = value_node.Text
End If
End Function

' Save the current values.
Private Sub SaveValues()
Dim xml_document As DOMDocument
Dim values_node As IXMLDOMNode

' Create the XML document.
Set xml_document = New DOMDocument

' Create the Values section node.
Set values_node = xml_document.createElement("Values")

' Add the Values section node to the document.
xml_document.appendChild values_node

' Create nodes for the values inside the
' Values section node.
CreateNode values_node, "FirstName", txtFirstName.Text
CreateNode values_node, "LastName", txtLastName.Text
CreateNode values_node, "Street", txtStreet.Text
CreateNode values_node, "City", txtCity.Text
CreateNode values_node, "State", txtState.Text
CreateNode values_node, "Zip", txtZip.Text

' Save the XML document.
xml_document.save m_AppPath & "Values.xml"
End Sub

' Add a new node to the indicated parent node.
Private Sub CreateNode(ByVal parent As IXMLDOMNode, _
ByVal node_name As String, ByVal node_value As String)
Dim new_node As IXMLDOMNode

' Create the new node.
Set new_node = parent.ownerDocument.createElement(node_name)

' Set the node's text value.
new_node.Text = node_value

' Add the node to the parent.
parent.appendChild new_node
End Sub

SaveValuesIndented 程序



me><Street>1234 Programmer Place</Street><City>Bugsville</Ci



   然后SaveValues 调用CreateNode创建一个新的数据节点,但在这里它传递给CreateNode一个新的参数,这个参数表示这个新节点的缩进方式。


' Save the current values.
Private Sub SaveValues()
Dim xml_document As DOMDocument
Dim values_node As IXMLDOMNode

' Create the XML document.
Set xml_document = New DOMDocument

' Create the Values section node.
Set values_node = xml_document.createElement("Values")

' Add a new line.
values_node.appendChild xml_document.createTextNode(vbCrLf)

' Add the Values section node to the document.
xml_document.appendChild values_node

' Create nodes for the values inside the
' Values section node.
CreateNode 4, values_node, "FirstName", txtFirstName.Text
CreateNode 4, values_node, "LastName", txtLastName.Text
CreateNode 4, values_node, "Street", txtStreet.Text
CreateNode 4, values_node, "City", txtCity.Text
CreateNode 4, values_node, "State", txtState.Text
CreateNode 4, values_node, "Zip", txtZip.Text

' Save the XML document.
xml_document.save m_AppPath & "Values.xml"
End Sub

' Add a new node to the indicated parent node.
Private Sub CreateNode(ByVal indent As Integer, _
  ByVal parent As IXMLDOMNode, ByVal node_name As String, _
  ByVal node_value As String)
Dim new_node As IXMLDOMNode

' Indent.
parent.appendChild parent.ownerDocument.createTextNode(Space$(indent))

' Create the new node.
Set new_node = parent.ownerDocument.createElement(node_name)

' Set the node's text value.
new_node.Text = node_value

' Add the node to the parent.
parent.appendChild new_node

' Add a new line.
parent.appendChild parent.ownerDocument.createTextNode(vbCrLf)
End Sub


